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411 University St, Seattle



​InsuranceThrone.com or facebook.com/Insurance Throne or any of its Social Media Networks as well as Felicita Carino, the producer in this representation, may or may not be appointed with 20+ carriers and/or 23 states at any time and/or the time of this meeting.

Maintenance of the website may cause missed updates concerning any carrier list, state-licensed list, and/or other possible updates​ and/or changes concerning certifications, etc. We are trying to maintain updates to the maximum of our ability. None of the carriers that Felicita Carino is or is not appointed with recommend ​​InsuranceThrone.com ​or any of its forwarding domains​ ​and/or Felicita Carino herself.

CMS does not recommend that you do business with any of the licensees or carriers that ​​InsuranceThrone.com or Felicita Carino may or may not represent. ​​You may inquire​ regarding her status at any time including her ​carrier appointments.​ ​You may look her up using NPN: 1 9 8 7 0 1 1 1 at sircon.com or nipr.com/search/content?keys=lookup.

Would you kindly now state your full name and today’s date? Thank you.​

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.